Current Exhibit:
Through A Child's Eye:
Toys From the Past
Interactive scavenger hunts and hands-on games are part of an interactive children's toy exhibit that transports visitors back to their own childhood memories. Over the years, toys have undergone many variations, but one recurring theme has been using play to teach children about the adult world. The artifacts in the exhibit, which date from the early 1800s to the 1960s, include games, dolls, trucks, musical instruments, and more. We cordially invite you to join us for a trip down memory lane as seen through a child's eyes.

Highlighted Object:
E. J. Jumeau Doll, "Be-Be"

This doll was gifted to Miss Nellie Jenni on December 25, 1884. She was manufactured by French doll maker, E.J. Jumeau, and features a bisque head with pierced ears, a human hair wig, a composition body with articulated joints, and is dressed in her original clothing. She was graciously donated to the Salem County Historical Society by Harry Crispin.